Master Kubectl: Commands for Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters

Your handy guide for troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters with a list of commonly used kubectl commands to display one or many resources when running commands against clusters. Click to copy to clipboard easily, or download the PDF cheatsheet as a useful reference.


kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config use-context [cluster_context_name]


kubectl logs [pod_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs -f [pod_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs -f [pod_name] -c [container_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs --tail=20 [pod_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs --since=1h [pod_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs --previous [pod_name] -n [namespace]
kubectl logs -l name=[label_name] -n [namespace]


kubectl cordon node [node_name]
kubectl uncordon node [node_name]
kubectl drain node [node_name]


kubectl get events --field-selector type=Warning

Download the PDF version of this kubectl cheat sheet

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